
October 10, 2010

Changed My Life

The World Race changed my life, that's no big secret.  However, there are lots of other small things along the way that were part of changing my life.  I want to pass them on to you.  I guarantee even 1 of the things below will change your life, your view of God, and your view of yourself.

Music - (not your typical Christian radio music)
Jonathan David Helser - you can listen to them in the right column
Misty Edwards
Rick Pino
Jesus Culture
Kim Walker
Jake Hamilton

The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind - Bill Johnson
The Supernatural Ways of Royalty - Kris Vallotton
The Heavenly Man - Brother Yun
The Shack - Wm. Paul Young (ok, I was skeptical, but man does he nail this!)
The Name of Jesus - Kenneth E. Hagin
The Final Quest - Rick Joyner
The Bondage Breaker - Neil T. Anderson

Bethel Church - Redding, CA (Bill Johnson)
Best of Kris Vallotton - Redding, CA
Graham Cooke
Anthony Chapman - Especially the 4 Part "A New Covenant" Series
Jennifer Toledo

The God Story (36 Part Series) - studies the entire story of the Bible and the continuous themes

October 3, 2010

The Story of the Car

I didn't ask for much, just a car.

I didn't ask for a Corvette, a BMW, or even a Lexus, but I was specific.  My daydreams were full of shiny Honda CR-Vs rolling thru the snow, packed for camping trips, or driving across country with good company.  I was a "hopelessly optimistic realist," as a good friend puts it.  That is my current dream car - not overly big yet perfect for the snow and the outdoors.  I'm a simple girl...I like to think.

Problem #1 - no car.  I start dreaming.  Problem #2 - I'm a poor missionary daydreaming of a car.  My solution?  I began throwing up some prayers.  My Heavenly Father says he owns the cows on 1,000 hills, what's a car to him?  I've heard some pretty great stories of provision this past year.  I absolutely needed a car, and I absolutely did not have the money for one.  Part of my solution is also a lovely place called craigslist.  And I find this car, which meets all the items on my checklist.  And it's green.  The icing on the cake.
Problem #3 - It's out of my price range, yet I test drive it and fall in love.  So I make an offer.  It's the best offer that I can afford and that (hopefully) doesn't offend the guy.  It's the exact sum of money I have set aside for the car plus the check I have coming in the mail.  He accepts!  I'm a new car owner.

Hold on, it gets better.

We show up to buy the car.  My dad comes along this time.  Turns out, car guy and my dad have worked together for 18 years.  Car guy continues to tell my dad that someone offered him the same amount the day before I saw the car, yet car guy didn't accept it.  For whatever reason he took the same offer the next morning.  Car guy insists this car was, for whatever reason, meant to be mine.  

Did I mention that this car is in pristine condition?  Low mileage, one careful owner, I mean even the engine is absolutely spotless!  (No, seriously, it is.)

Turns out, God is pretty sovereign.  Even when it comes to cars.