The plea: I'm in a new place, job, and community, and God has clearly opened doors for me to be here. "Ok, I'm here God, now what? You want me here, what am I supposed to do? How am I supposed to be you? I don't even know where to begin," I tell him.
The answer: He points me to the Sermon on the Mount. "Oh yea yea, I know that. Salt and light, of course. Be meek, hunger for God, seek the Kingdom. Ok, I'll read it, but it's so familiar, God. I want a deeper answer." (Really meaning I want a "better" answer.)
Then the revelation comes. The TRUE meaning of the Sermon on the Mount. The one I never got before. And it stops me in my tracks.
Suddenly the Beattitudes are no longer a cross-stitch pattern in my head but very real, alive, and representing the TRUE ESSENCE what it means to be Jesus.
And here's what God reveals...
Blessed = Favored by God, whoa, revelation in itself
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
poor in spirit = those who are beggarly, who know they have need, and come to God in dependency because they know they're not spiritually self-sufficient
Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
those who mourn = those who grieve over what brings God grief, who feel God's broken heart over the things that flat out wrong in this world
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
They're more concerned about God's work happening in others than themselves, so they turn the other cheek, they don't lash out in anger, they don't seek retribution, but they love and honor when it's unnatural
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied
They hunger to be in right relationship with God. They thirst for his intimacy and the fulfilling life that comes with it.
Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.
They're full of mercy, compassion, and grace. They're compelled to act upon the things that break God's (and their) hearts.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
They're clean, they're pure inwardly and in their actions. Their intentions are pure and right. Their heart is with pure desire. And they'll see God. Whoa.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.
They carry peace in the midst of conflict. They don't necessarily make the conflict stop, but they identify hostility and bring peace into the midst of it.
Giving, Praying, Fasting. They're non-negotiables for Jesus. He says WHEN you give...WHEN you pray...WHEN you fast... It's our opportunity to be drawn into intimacy with him, our opportunity to intercede for his desires, our opportunity to be a part of his Kingdom coming.
Now I'm kicked in the stomach, convicted by the Holy Spirit, and slightly overwhelmed. Then he says...
"Seek first my Kingdom, and all of these will follow..."
Ah peace. There's no pressure in the Kingdom, only grace. I can seek the Kingdom. I can accept what's given to me - grace - and have grace for myself. And then Jesus says practice these things. Practice. Make it a habit. Make it intentional. Make the sacrifice (the time and opportunity) to practice these things.
And I realize...
The KINGDOM is built upon these people. THESE are the people who know the TRUE character and essence of Jesus. They know his HEART, because his heart is all ove these things. I want to be one of these people - thru and thru. I want a heart that aches for kids in sex trafficking. I want to bring peace in the midst of conflict, instead of only worrying about how to end the conflict. I want to give more of my time to prayer and fasting to know my Lord more intimately and to be used by him.
I think it's time we stop saying, "the church needs to..." or "if the church would only..." etc. As a Christian I'm TIRED of being known for what I don't do (drink, have sex, swear, blah blah blah) instead of what I actually do. I want people to identify me with peace, with joy in all circumstances, with meekness, with a drive to change the awful things of this world, with miracles, and with LIFE.
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